ChesNuc Principals

J Stewart Bland, CHP
Mr. Bland has over 35 years of regulatory and operational experience with primary focus in the regulatory, technical areas of health physics, radiation safety, and emergency preparedness. He has seven years of experience with the NRC in both licensing and inspection and enforcement. For the past thirty+ years, he has directed the consulting services for two small companies, where much of the last 10 years has been focused on international projects.
Mr. Bland served as the TSO Technical Lead for radioactive waste, radiation protection, emergency planning, and decommissioning, supporting the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation is UAE performing the safety reviews for the licensing of the Barakah Nuclear Plants. Mr. Bland served as the TSO Lead for accident and routine source term and radiological assessment in support of South Africa’s regulatory body, National Nuclear Regulator, for the site safety assessment for a proposed new nuclear plant on the Indian Ocean. Under subcontract, Mr. Bland has provided training to Jordan, South Africa, Thailand, and Federation of Africa Nations (at IAEA in Vienna) on site safety requirements for new nuclear plants. Mr. Bland provides technical support to an Aboriginal Tribe in Canada, addressing the nuclear issues in its Territory, which include the 8-unit Bruce Nuclear Plant, the Western Radioactive Waste Management Facility, and a proposed Deep Geological Repository for low and intermediate radioactive waste.
Mr. Bland has a B.S., Physics, and M.S., Applied Nuclear Science, both from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Duane M. DeMore, CHP
Duane DeMore has over twenty years of experience in health physics and radiation safety, including 10 years working as a consultant providing radiation protection expertise to both government and private sector customers, and 10 years in various radiation protection roles at large domestic nuclear utilities. He is Certified by the American Board of Health Physics.
Internationally, Mr. DeMore has provided radiation protection support in the Middle East and Canada. Beginning in 2011, Mr. DeMore worked with the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) in the UAE to support the construction license application review for Barakah Units 1&2 and Units 3&4. Mr. DeMore’s primary areas of review were the radiation protection, emergency preparedness and radioactive waste programs. He also supported the licensing review of a NORM disposal facility in the UAE. In Canada, Mr. DeMore provides technical support to an aboriginal tribe, addressing the nuclear issues and concerns in their territory. These concerns are largely based on the operating power reactors and proposed deep geologic repository for radioactive waste within their territory. Mr. DeMore has examined international best practices for radiological effluent dose assessments, and supported revisions to computer codes that support the use of ICRP dose conversion factors and parameters for effluent dose assessments.
Mr. DeMore has a B.S.E., Engineering Physics, and a M.E., Radiological Health Engineering, both from University of Michigan.