Our Expertise
Regulatory and Licensing Support
​Technical Health Physics Solutions
Radiation Protection Programs
ChesNuc provides regulatory experience assisting licensing organizations in radiological support for both new and existing nuclear facilities:
License applications and FSAR support:
Radiation Protection Program (Ch. 12)
Radioactive Waste and Effluent management programs (Ch. 11)
Accident Analysis and Emergency Preparedness
Radiation protection, radioactive effluent or radioactive waste regulatory programs:
Compliance evaluations
Regulatory Guides
Technical analyses
Environmental Impact Statement development and review
Technical health physics issue resolution and support
Environmental pathway dose modeling and assessment (NRCDose, RESRAD, RASCAL)
ChesNuc staff includes degreed health-physicists who maintain CHP and NRRPT certifications and have extensive technical health physics experience. The staff’s experience and training allows us to provide practical and efficient solutions to operational and technical radiation protection issues.
Complex internal or external dose assessment
Radioactive waste management, characterization and classification
Shielding analysis (MicroShieldTM, MCNP, SCALE)
Environmental modeling and dose assessment
Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) development, implementation and assessment
Emergency preparedness exposure and contamination modeling.
ChesNuc has extensive experience in operational health physics and radiation protection program management and can provide the following services:
Radiation Protection program evaluation, assessment and process improvement
RP Program technical basis development
Radioactive Waste
Air Sampling
Respiratory Protection
Procedure and technical basis development, improvement and documentation
Integrated Safety Management
Radiation Protection Program, technical health physics and radiological emergency planning training
Support and interface with regulatory authorities
Radiological Emergency Planning
Radiological Environmental Monitoring
Radiological Emergency Planning and Preparedness development, including:
Accident dose assessment
Emergency Action Levels
Drill scenario support
Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) development, implementation and assessment
ChesNuc has extensive experience in MARSSIM decommissioning, including program development and implementation. ChesNuc can develop or perform:
Historical site assessments
Characterization Surveys
RESRAD modeling
Derived Concentration Guidelines (DCGLs)
Final Status Survey plans